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The Glass Puzzle

When two cousins discover a glass puzzle, ancient forces are unleashed that threaten their town in sinister ways

The Scorpions of Zahir

a girl who possesses an otherworldly stone travels to the Moroccan desert with her brother on a quest to save the ancient city of zahir

Illustrated by Kelly Murphy

Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Illustration by Kelly Murphy

Eleven-year-old Zagora Pym has always dreamed of becoming a desert explorer. When a mysterious letter arrives for her father, she and her astronomy-obsessed brother, Duncan, travel with their father to Morocco in search of Pitblade Yegen, an explorer lost years ago near the ancient desert city of Zahir.
But there’s something Zagora’s father doesn’t know: she’s been reading the journal that Pitblade left behind. Not only does it describe the forgotten legends of Zahir, but it also hints at an ominous threat to the city itself—and Zagora can’t wait to find out what it is.

the owl keeper

A boy who's allergic to the sun finds he has the ability to fight the power of the dark

Illustrated by Maggie Kneen

Delacorte Press/Random House
Illustration by Maggie Kneen

Maxwell Unger is frail, timid and allergic to the sun; his only friend is a lone silver owl. Then he meets Rose, a strange girl with secrets, and soon they are on the run, pursued by plague wolves and genetically engineered mutants, in a quest to find the mysterious Owl Keeper and fulfill an ancient prophecy.

the dreamkeepers

Two children in Wales become involved in a struggle between the ancient Dreamkeepers and a sorceress
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Illustration by Jo Ann Stover

In snow-covered Wales, Derek Morgan discovers a library where ancient scribes, the Dreamkeepers, set dreams to paper. But the enchantress Iona is freezing them and has Derek’s sister under a dark spell. To save them, Derek must decode a riddle, confront the dreaded Usk Beetles, and find a way to the Other Side.